March 6, 2009

Who's taking so much CPUs on Firefox!?

So Firefox always takes too much CPUs recently, just tried to figure out which pages really is heavier. and most suspicious pages was Google product... which I keep alive on any tabs usually.

For a way to measure that, just picked CPU load for a process up from top(1) command per 1 second within 1 minute randomly. and average it. Please note that there aren't actually any purposes nor solutions for this topic in this article. but this would be helpful to think about how to cool my laptop down to avoid a fan error as long as possible next time. because there seems to be an exhaust heat issue here.

Here is a result:
PageAvg. CPU load
Gmail with Labs features74.3%
Gmail without Labs features65.2%
Google Reader2.0%
Google Calendar2.8%
Google Docs3.2%
iGoogle with default content(Weather, Date & Time, YouTube and

Well, I didn't do any operations during measuring this and may need more sampling in some cases so that it might relates to how often reloading in the background happens. to be fair, it's the fact that Gmail takes a lot of CPUs though.


井上エイド said...

What version of Firefox are you running? Are you using Gears (which enables worker threads for JS, which significantly changes how Javascript behaves)

Anonymous said...

I think the firefox version I tried to estimate was 3.0.6 and no Gears installed - my laptop is running under x86_64 and I'm lazy to build it by the hand to enable Gears feature on my laptop because no x86_64 version of Gears are available officially ;)