May 20, 2010

Fedora yum repository for Mozc available

I've just created yum repository metadata for Mozc on my fedorapeople space. you can install the latest package after installing mozc.repo file under /etc/yum.repo.d on your system.

Currently it contains the binary rpms for i686 and x86_64 only on Fedora 12 and 13. but not for ppc nor ppc64 because unfortunately the build failed.

For another news,  started to include mozc-config in the package. though I pondered to make another package for that, it was difficult to do so because it requires the build environment of Mozc for header files and static libraries and objects.


[Update: 2010/05/28]: fixed a fail on i386 box to fetch the metadata via yum; sorry for inconvenience.
[Update: 2010/06/22]: fixed the repo file and URL because it has been changed due to the restructure of the package.